CAST (in alphabetical
Greenbean................... Ed Begley Jr.
Lt. Starbuck............... Dirk Benedict
Col. Tigh.................... Terry Carter
Baltar.......................... John Colicos
Dr. Wilker................... John Dullaghan
Imperious Leader........ Dick Durock
Muffit the Daggit........ Evie the Chimp
Corp. Omega............... David Greenan
Comm. Adama............ Lorne Greene
Vo. Lucifer.................. Jonathan Harris
Cap. Apollo................. Richard Hatch
Boxey.......................... Noah Hathaway
Lt. Boomer.................. Herb Jefferson Jr.
Athena......................... Maren Jensen
Grie............................. Janet Louise Johnson
Sheba.......................... Anne Lockhart
Vo. Imperious Leader.. Patric Macnee
Dr. Salik...................... George Murdock
Corp. Rigel.................. Sarah Rush
Serina........................... Jane Seymour
Cassiopea..................... Laurette Spang
Bojay............................ Jack Stauffer
Sgt. Jolly...................... Tony Swartz
"Saga of a Star World."
(3-hour Pilot. Sept. 17, 1978)
written by: Glen A. Larson.
In a far off Galaxy
the 12 Colonies of Man have come together to end a 1000 year war
with the machine race known as the Cylons. The peace mission is
a trap concocted by the Cylon's Imperious Leader and a power hungry
human by the name of Baltar. An armada of Cylon ships catch the
Human's unprepared fleet of Battlestars off guard. Only the Battlestar
Galactica, under the command of Commander Adama, is able to launch
it's fighters in time to defend the fleet.
As the battle between
the Colonial fleet and the Cylons rage, Adama's son Apollo informs
his father that there were no Cylon Base-Ships to be seen. Fearing
the worst, Adama sets course for their Home worlds, which the
Cylons Base-Ships now orbit.
When the Galacitca
arrives within the solar system of the 12 Colonies, Adama and
his crew find all of their planets laid to waste. News only grows
worse, when the Galactica discovers that it alone survived the
Cylon ambush. Knowing full well that the Glactica alone could
not protect mankind from the incoming fleet of Cylon ships, Commander
Adama sends word for every man, woman, and child to set to space
in whatever ship could carry them. In all, 220 ships containing
the last remnants of the once proud 12 Colonies of Man set course
to deep space. Lead by the last Battlestar Galactica, Commander
Adama announces to his people that they would go in search of
a long lost 13th colony of man, on a small blue world known as
Having had little
time to escape the Cylon's advancing fleet, the Colonial fleet
sets sail without proper equipment, food, or fuel supplies and
are completely unprepared for the long journey ahead of them.
Thus the Galacitca sets course for an abandoned ore mining planet
called Carillon.
Once on Carillon,
the crew of the Galactica discover a vast unknown pleasure resort,
populated by humans who had no clue as to what had happened to
the colonies. The aliens who run the resort, the Ovions, offer
safe harbor to the weary Colonial fleet. Aboard the Galactica
Sirus Yuri, and arrogant politician, demands that humanity surrender
to the Cylons. Adama tries to explain to his fellow members of
Humanities ruling council that to do so would be inviting their
own destruction; they do not listen.
On Carillon, Apollo,
Starbuck and Boomer wait to be awarded the Colony's highest honor,
and a banquet Sirus Yuri intends to use as a platform to rally
the desperate population to turn against Adama. Soon Apollo and
Starbuck discover the dark secret of Carrilon, when they accidentally
discover that the Ovions are working with the Cylons and using
humans as food.
Barely escaping, the
heroes of the Galactica learn that the Cylons are attacking the
Galactica. Fortunately Adama anticipated the Cylon's attack and
had all the ship's Vipers standing by on the surface of Carrilon.
Once in space the Viper's make short work of the Cylon forces
and Starbuck and Apollo succeed in destroying the pursuing Cylon
Base-Ship along with the Imperious Leader.
Learning of their
defeat and the Human's escape, the new Imperious leader offers
the imprisoned Baltar a command in the Cylon's navy, in turn for
Baltar's assistance in destroying the Galactica and all humanity.
Baltar agrees to the devil's bargain and leads the Cylons in pursuit
of the Battlestar Galactica and it's rag-tag fleet.
"Lost Planet of the Gods."
(Part 1-Sept. 24, 1978. Part 2-Oct. 1, 1978)
written by: Glen A. Larson & Don Bellisario.
Two Viper pilots return
to the Galactica, after a long-range patrol mission. While on
patrol, the Boomer and his wing-man landed on a nearby planet
to scout around, before returning to the Galactica. Upon their
return, the Viper pilots skip decontamination procedures, as they
are eager to attend Captain Apollo's engagement party to Serina.
Unknown the Boomer and Co., they contracted a deadly and contagious
virus while on patrol and unwittingly pass it along to the rest
of the ship's pilots.
Apollo and Starbuck,
who fortunately had been on patrol as well and were late getting
back to the party, escape contamination. With the bulk of the
Galactica's Viper pilots incapacitated, Adama orders the female
shuttle pilots to be trained for combat.
Forced to attack a
Cylon base in order to get a cure to the disease that afflicts
the Battlestar's Viper pilots, Apollo and Starbuck are forced
to take the inexperienced female pilots into combat. Blue squadron
succeeds in defeating the Cylons and head back to the Galactica.
Aboard the Cylon Base-Ship
Hades, under the command of Baltar, the Cylons force the Galactica
through a worm-hole Starbuck and Apollo had discovered while on
patrol. Once through the worm-hole, the Galactica finds itself
in orbit around the mythical planet of Kobol, ancestral homeland
to all mankind.
On Kobol Apollo and
Serina are wed, as Adama searches for information about the location
of the lost 13th Tribe and Earth. Baltar too goes to Kobol and
his Cylon forces ambush the Colonials. During the battle the secret
to Earth's location is destroyed and Baltar is trapped in a pyramid.
Unable to save the traitor, Adama leaves Baltar to his fate. After
the battle is over, a damaged Cylon fires and kills Apollo's wife
"The Lost Warrior"
(Oct. 8, 1978)
screenplay by: Don Bellisario.
story by: Don Bellisario & Herman Groves.
Apollo's Viper is
damaged by Cylon fighters, and Apollo becomes marooted on a Wild-West
like planet. Apollo befriends a young boy by the name of Puppis
and his widowed mother Bella. The family take Apollo in and hide
him from the corrupt authorities.
During his stay on
Bella's farm, Apollo learns that her husband was killed by someone
by the name of Red-Eye, a shootist under the control of the villainous
LeCerta. LeCerta is nothing more than a thug, using his money
and power to control the local homesteads, demanding everyone
pay tribute to him or face the wrath of Red-Eye.
While visiting town,
Apollo sees that Red-Eye is actually a damaged Cylon Centurion
who thinks LeCerta is the Imperious Leader. Apollo considers taking
on the Cylon, but Bella stops him. Bella explains that her husband
was actually a Colonial Warrior like Apollo, who also tried to
kill Red-Eye... and lost.
When news comes that
a family member of Bella's was killed by Red-Eye, and that LeCerta
intends to kill him, Apollo decides to face the Cylon in a duel.
Meeting the Red-Eye in the town square, Apollo proves to be the
faster draw and blasts the Cylon. LeCerta, knowing he can't maintain
power without Red-Eye, runs for the hills.
Greatful for Apollo's
help, Bella shows Apollo where her husband's Viper crashed. Apollo
is able to scrounge some fuel and returns to the Galactica.
"The Long Patrol"
(Oct. 15, 1978)
written by: Don Bellisario.
The Battlestar Galactica
leaves their part of the Galaxy and enter an area of space long
since abandoned by the Colonials. Not knowing what to expect,
Starbuck is assigned to take a Viper and patrol far ahead of the
fleet. To aid him, Starbuck is given a modified Viper capable
of light speed, with an on board semi-sentient computer named
C.O.R.A. Unfortunately, to give the Viper the speed it will need
to fulfill it's mission, the fighter's laser-torpedo generators
were removed and replaced with new engines. Unarmed, Starbuck
goes off on his mission.
Not long into his
long-range patrol, Starbuck runs into a fire fight and quickly
learns why no good deed goes unpunished. After helping an escaped
convict by the name of Robber allude the authorities, Starbuck
is almost immediately knocked out. When Starbuck wakes up, he
sees that Robber has stolen his Viper. Thinking he can commandeer
Rober's ship to go after him, Starbuck is captured by the local
authorities who blame Starbuck for everything.
Aboard the Galactica,
the crew see that Starbuck has not only broken radio silence but
has strayed off course. Not knowing what is going on, or why Starbuck
is using an unknown code, Adama is left to assume that Starbuck
is no longer in control of the Viper and order Apollo and Boomer
to blow the renegade Viper out of the sky.
Meanwhile Starbuck
is taken to a prison colony, where he discovers that the authorities
are actually the ancestors of a long lost prison outpost of the
12 colonies, who use the ancestors of the prison inmates as slave
labor. The colony has only one function, the production of alcoholic
beverages. No one has a clue that the war against the Cylons was
Apollo and Boomer
learn that the code being used by Starbuck's Viper, is actually
that of merchant traders. Armed with this knowledge they find
Robber and force him to tell them where Starbuck is. Upon their
arrival at the old prison base, Apollo and Boomer find that Starbuck
has lead a revolt. Just as everyone is piecing together what happened,
Cylon forces attack and destroy all the bootleg Ambrosia and Starbuck's
dreams of striking it big. Upon their return to the Galactica,
it is discovered that one of the long dead prison inmates had
drawn a detailed map of Earth's solar system and it would appear
that the Galactica is closer to Earth than first thought.
"Gun on Ice Planet Zero"
(Part 1-Oct. 22, 1978; Part 2-Oct. 29 1978)
Written by: Leslie Stevens, Michael Sloan and Don Bellisario.
When Starbuck returns
from a mission, after loosing his wing-man to a new Cylon weapon,
Commander Adama comes to the conclusion that the Cylons are trying
to drive the Galactica into a trap. Records from Starbuck's mission
show that the Galactica is on a course that will bring it within
range of a giant Mega-Pulstar Cannon based on a frozen planet.
Knowing they must press on, Apollo, Boomer and a band of criminals
who are demolition experts, are sent to take out the Mega-Pulsar
Starbuck manages to
pull duty on the mission, concerned with avenging the loss of
his wing-man, and Boxey sneaks aboard the shuttle as well. Once
on the planet, the Galactica team discover an enslaved race of
clones. After agreeing to help free the clones from the Cylons,
the Galactica team succeeds in destroying the giant Mega-Pulsar
gun before it can take out the Galactica.
"The Magnificent
(Nov. 12, 1978)
written by: Glen A. Larson.
When a food crisis
threatens mass starvation through out the fleet. With an urgent
need for seeds and food supplies, Adam decides to trade an old
un-marked energizer for supplies. Unfortunately, he finds that
the only un-marked reactor available to trade, is owned by his
old flame, Sirus Beloby. Thus, in order to procure the energizer
he must unwillingly rekindle a relationship he would rather forget.
In order to get the
grain they need Adam and his crew, accompanied by Sirus Beloby,
journey to the farm planet of Serenity. While trading with some
farmers, the energizer is stolen and the town's people con Starbuck
into taking up the position of Sheriff... a position no one has
ever lived long enough to retire from.
Forced to protect
the town from a group of pig-like planetary natives called the
Borays, the Galactica crew tries to figure a way to get Starbuck
out of his current predicament. When the Borays attack, Sirus
Beloby is kidnapped. Immediately the Galactica crew rush to the
rescue. Once in the alien's camp, Starbuck is able to get back
the energizer, Sirus Beloby, and negotiates a peace between the
Borays and the farmers.
"The Young Lords"
(Nov. 19, 1978)
written by: Don Bellisario, Frank Lupo and Paul Playdon.
After crashing-landing
on a planet called Trillion, Starbuck is rescued by a band of
children who intend to trade him to the Cylons, who are holding
their father captive. Starbuck wins over the children's trust
however and Starbuck leads them on a rescue mission, succeeding
in taking out the Cylons and getting back the captive father.
"The Living
Legend 1&2"
(Nov. 26/Dec. 3, 1978)
written by: Glen A. Larson.
While on patrol, Apollo
and Starbuck encounter the long lost Battlestar Pegasus, under
the command of the legendary military leader Cain! Once the two
Battlestars join forces, Cain insists that the Galactica and Pegasus
together, can attack a Cylon base on the planet Gamoray. Though
the fleet is in desperately need to replenish their exhausted
fuel and supplies, Adama is sure that the Cylons will take advantage
of the occupied Battlestars and attack the fleet.
Thus Adama orders
an attack on a Cylon fuel tanker, as to avoid the death trap of
Gamoray. Cain has other plans however, and destroys the two tankers...
forcing Adama to go with Cain's plan. In response to Cain's actions,
Adama relieves him of duty. Before the Galactica can put Cain's
plan into action, the Cylons attack. Cain apologizes to Adama,
admitting he war wrong; that the Cylons would have destroyed the
fleet if the Battlestars had left them to attack Gamoray.
Baltar, thinking that
he can destroy the Colonial fleet and demonstrate how invaluable
he is to the visiting Imperious Leader, personally leads the attack
on the Galactica. Cain, back in command of the Pegasus, sets course
away from the fleet so he can out-flank the attacking Cylons.
Just as Baltar believes he is about to achieve final victory,
the Battlestar Pegasus drops out of light speed and hits the Cylons
Achiving a victory
against the Cylons, the two crews work together to attack the
Cylon base on Gamoray. Cain's daughter Sheba and former lover
Cassiopeia (who had been rescued from the Cylons by Starbuck and
the Galactica after the destruction of the colonies), are listed
as part of the mission. Once on the ground Apollo, Starubuck,
Bojay, Sheba, Cassiopeia and their teams take out the Cylons's
defenses. During the battle Bojay is injured and latter, Sheba
is also wounded while battling the Cylons in space.
Sheba and all the
wounded are shipped to the Galactica, as Commander Cain takes
the Pegasus into battle. His mission is to create a diversion
and join up with the Galactica latter. Cain has different plans
however, as he takes the Pegasus into a head on conflict with
three Cylon Base-Ships. Starbuck and Apollo turn to help the Pegasus,
using their laser-torpedoes to take out the guns on two of the
Base-Ships. Then Pegasus fires her missiles and, in a brilliant
explosion, destroys the two Base-Ships. Whether or not the Pegasus
had survived, no one knew. Back on the Galactica Sheba is welcomed
aboard and Adama makes her a part of his family. In his heart
of hearts, Adama is sure that they had not seen the last of the
Pegasus or Commander Cain.
"Fire in Space"
(Dec. 17, 1978)
written by: Jim Carlson and Terrence McDonnell.
A Cylon kamikaze attack
leaves Adama critically injured and starts a fire deep within
the Galactica. As the fire spreads within the giant Battlestar
Boomer, Athena, Boxey and a large group of people are trapped
with nowhere to go, as the fire gets closer and closer.
With the fire fighters
unable to contain the blaze, Adama orders Apollo and Starbuck
to blow out the hull, using the vacuum of space to smother the
fire. With little choice, the two warriors head outside the ship
while Sheba flies cover. The plan works and Adama, along with
all those trapped behind the fire wall, are saved.
"War of the Gods 1&2"
(Jan. 14/ Jan. 21, 1979)
written by: Glen A. Larson.
The Galactica and
her fleet are besieged by spheres of glowing light that whip around
the moving spacecraft. At the same time, a squadron of Viper pilots
vanish from the Galactica's screens as if they never existed.
Apollo leads a mission to find the pilots. With Starbuck and Sheba,
he follows a trail that leads him to a battle-scarred world.
There, the trio comes
upon the wreckage of a vast spacecraft, but before they can explore
the wreck, they are confronted by the mysterious Count Iblis.
The alien is taken back to the Battlestar where his charismatic
powers win over the trust of most of the fleet, eventually usurping
Adama's command.
Adama, in turn, demands
a test of Iblis' powers. The would-be messiah delivers Baltar
into the hands of the Council of Twelve. However, Adama soon learns
the true identity of the malevolent Count before a life-and-death
struggle begins between the mortals and the Prince of Darkness.
Iblis, determined
to take Sheba's soul, is completely taken in by Iblis. Apollo
and Starbuck, convinced that the answers lie on the planet where
they found Iblis, head back there with Sheba. Once on the planet
they finally look into the wreckage of the alien craft, where
Apollo and Starbuck find a dead creature of demonic origin. Iblis
soon arrives to stop the three warriors and Apollo fires on Iblis
and is himself killed. Ibilis, having violated the laws of the
angelic Seraphs, flees.
While taking Apollo's
body back to the Galactica Starbuck and Sheba's shuttle is taken
by the Seraphs. Once aboard the Seraph ship, a man calling himself
John brings Apollo back to life explaining that it was not his
time to die. John then sends the three warriors back to the Galactica
with a gift... knowledge of the location of earth.
"The Man with Nine Lives"
(Jan. 28, 1979)
written by: Don Bellisario.
To escape the bloodthirsty
Borellians, and aging con man named Chameleon seeks sanctuary
aboard the Galactica by convincing Starbuck that he is the Viper
pilot's long-lost father. While tests continue aboard the Battlestar
to confirm the story, the Borellians gain access to the Galactica
by joining the Viper pilot training program.
Starbuck's life is
put on the line as he tries to protect Chameleon from the killers,
while an ever-deepening affection grows between the surrogate
father and son. Eventually, it is discovered that Chameleon is
not Starbuck's father, and the Borellians are remanded to the
prison barge.
Murder on
the Rising Star
(Feb. 18, 1979)
written by: Don Bellisario, James Carlson, and Terrance McDonnell.
Starbuck's life is
on trial when his arch rival, Ortega, is found dead after a headed
game of Triad which erupted into a brawl between the two warriors.
Starbuck professes his innocence, but a test shows that his gun
had killed Ortega.
Despire the evidence
Apollo believes that his long time friend is not guilty and sets
out to discover who really killed Ortega. Eventually Apollo and
Boomer discover that Ortega had been black-mailing three Capricans
who he had allowed to sneak aboard the Rising Star... an act that
lead to woman can children being left behind.
One of the men Ortega
had been black-mailing was the personal assistant to Baltar, who
had sabotaged the planetary defenses on the eve of the Cylon attack.
Using Baltar as bait, Apollo is able to flush out the real killer
and prove Starbuck's innocence.
"Greetings from Earth (2 hr. special)"
(Feb. 25, 1979)
written by: Glen A. Larson.
Apollo and Starbuck
find a primitive space craft that contains a humanoid man (Michael),
woman (Sarah), with their four children in a state of suspended
animation. The Sleeper ships is taken aboard the Galactica and
the crew believe they have found a vessel from Earth!
Adama, hesitant to
wake the humans from their slumber, is overrided by the Council
of Twelve, who want wants to open the ship, even though it may
be lethal for the occupants. After Dr. Wilker and Salik try to
awaken the crew, it becomes apparent that the frozen humans can
not survive in Colonial atmosphere.
The entire population
becomes riotous with rumors of the Earthlings being aboard the
Galactica. People from all over the fleet demand information.
Thus Adama orders Apollo, Starbuck, and Cassiopea take the ship
and escape, before something violent happens.
The trio escorts them
five aliens to their original destination, and planet called Paradeen.
When Michael, (the male crewman) awakes to assist Cassiopea, he
informs the Galacticans that they are not from the Earth they
seek, but from a planet called Terra. They have fled their home
world, which is in the grips of a war being waged between the
Eastern Alliance and the democratic Nationalists. Upon arriving
on Paradeen, the Galacticans are greeted by two androids, Hector
and Vector.
The Colonials discover
that the Eastern Alliance have destroyed all the humans on Paradeen,
using Neutron Bombs. While searching through the destroyed city,
Starbuck becomes trapped and Apollo rushes to his rescue. To make
matters worse, Sarah has developed a crush on Apollo and has sabotaged
the Vipers to prevent him from leaving.
Apollo and Co. are
able to save Starbuck, only to learn that an Easter Alliance war
ship had landed on Paradeen, in pursuit of Michael and Sarah.
Hector and Vector attempt to stop the Colonials from fighting
the Alliance soldiers, but Starbuck and Apollo demonstrate that
they are more than capable of defending themselves. In the end,
the Colonials capture the Alliance ship and crew. Now having a
way back to the Galactica, they set course for home, where a comfortable
cell awaits the Easter Alliance officers aboard the Prison Barge.
Having the corridinants for Terra, provided my Michael, the fleet
continues on to Terra.
"Baltar's Escape!"
(Mar. 11, 1979)
written by: Don Bellisario.
Angered by Adama's
actions with the Terrans, the Council of Twelve decree that Adama
will no longer be in command of the fleet. Adama will lead the
military only, and even then he must confer with the troublesome
Siress Tinia, who is appointed by the Council of Twelve to watch
over him. To add injury to insult, the Council of the Twelve decide
to negotiate with the villainous Alliance Enforcers.
On the Prison Barge,
Baltar learns of the Council's intentions to meet with the Easter
Alliance officers. Thus Baltar hatches a plan to escape. With
assistance from Borellians and the Eastern Alliance crew, Baltar
succeeds in escaping the Prison Barge. Then, when the Council
members attempt to negotiate with the Alliance Officers, the entire
council (save Adama and Tinia) are taken hostage!
Baltar demands that
the vessels of the Borellians, Alliance Enforcers, as well as
his Raider and Centurion crew, be made ready to leave the Galactica.
A problem immediately presents it's self, as the Centurions have
been dismantled and can not be put together correctly. Adama learns
of the problems and is forced to give himself up to Baltar for
time. Just before their execution the leader of the Council of
the Twelve leans over and tells Adama that they had voted to give
him back his command... to little too late.
The Alliance Enforcers
escape, but when Baltar orders his Centurion pilots to launch,
Baltar's escape is foiled as his Centurion is only capable of
punching his fist through the control panel. Apollo and Starbuck
capture Baltar again and save the Council of the Twelve.
"Experiment in Terra!"
(Mar. 18, 1979)
written by: Glen A. Larson.
Apollo and Starbuck
chase down the escaped Eastern Alliance ship, and follow it back
to the planet Terra. Before reaching the planet Starbuck is knocked
off course as Apollo disappears. Abducted once again by the angelic
Seraphs, Apollo's aid is enlisted by John, in order to prevent
the destruction of Terra. Apollo agrees and finds himself back
on course for Terra, his uniform now white. He lands on the planet
and to Apollo's surprise, everyone believes him to be a downed
Terran astronaut thought long dead.
Unable to convince
anyone of who he really is, Apollo is thrown into prison as a
traitor. Starbuck, searching for Apollo, is also abducted by the
Seraphs. They send Starbuck to rescue Apollo. Apollo goes to speak
to the leaders of the West and East, while Starbuck tries to reach
the Galactica.
Having signed a treaty
with the Eastern Alliance, in which it is decreed that all hostilities
between the two powers will stop, the President of the Western
people announces peace has come and drops his defenses. The Eastern
Alliance, who have no intention of living up to the agreement,
plans to strike as soon as the West has dropped their guard.
Going to the podium,
Apollo tells the people who he really is and where he comes from.
He tells them how his people had been tricked by the Cylons, and
the price they suffered because of their mistake. Fearing the
moment to strike fading, the Eastern Alliance fires their Nuclear
warheads at the West, who return fire. Starbuck, having contacted
the Galactica, tells Adama what is about to happen. Using the
Galactica's shields, Adama destroy all the bombs in high orbit,
where they can do no damage. Realizing how close they came to
annihilation, the horrified Terran powers begin to talk true peace.
It is revealed to Apollo that Terra is not the Earth the Colonials
are searching for, but that they will someday reach earth.
"Take the Celestra!"
(Apr. 1, 1979)
written by: Jim Carson & Terrence McDonnell.
When Starbuck enlists
Apollo's aid in helping him win back the affections of his long
lost love, Aurora, they two realize they have signed onto more
than they had bargained for. Aurora is supposedly found to be
a traitor on board the Celestra and Starbuck rushes to her defense.
The two warriors quickly discover that the Celestra's captain,
Kronos, runs the ship with the iron fisted rule of a dictator.
Aurora and friends are a liberation force, trying to get help
in overthrowing Kronos. Thus a power struggle ensues between Aurora's
liberators and Kronos.
Fearing of what may
happen the Celestra shuts down all emission, causing red flags
to go up aboard the Galactica. Back on the Celestra, Starbuck
and Apollo learn that Kronos, though a stern leader, is not responsible
for the harsh treatment of the crew. In fact, Kronos' Jr. officer
Damon who is responsible for making the crew miserable. In the
end Damon is arrested and Kronos makes peace with the Celestra
"The Hand of God!"
(Apr. 29, 1979)
written by: Don Bellisario.
After three years
of running from the Cylons, Adama decides it is time to strike
back! A Cylon Base-Ship, which has not detected the Galactica,
has been spotted by Viper Patrols. If the Base-Ship is destroyed,
the Galactica and her fleet can escape the Cylons without detection!
The only chance the
Galactica has of attacking and destroying the Base-Ship, which
has more firepower than at Battlestar, is for someone to sneak
aboard and take out the Base-Ship's control center and sensors.
Apollo volunteers and Starbuck, who was captured and spent time
in a Cylon Prison aboard a Base-Ship, is also volunteered to the
Still, with little
information on the interior of a Base-Ship, Adama trades Baltar's
freedom for information where the sensor controls are located
on a Base-Ship. To prevent themselves from being confused with
the real Cylon fighters during the up-coming attack, Boomer gives
them a sensor that will broadcast a friendly signal. Apollo and
Starbuck joke that, should they loose it, they will just tip their
Apollo and Starbuck
fly Baltar's captured Raider to the Cylon Base-Ship. Once inside,
the two warriors deep into the Base-Ship and plant an explosive
in the vessel's sensor room. During their escape they loose the
device that will tell the Vipers that they are friendly. No time
to go back for it, the two Galacticans launch. During the battle
the Galactica destroys the Base-Ship and the Vipers take out the
Raiders. With only one Raider to go, and no sign of Starbuck and
Apollo, Boomer prepares to scrap the last Cylon. Just before he
fires the Raider begins to tip her wings and Boomer realizes that
it is Apollo and Starbuck.
The Galactica escapes,
free of Cylon pursuit.
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